This assignment involves learning about wireless LANs and transport protocol performance. You will be required to configure a small wireless LAN and run experiments that evaluate the performance of the wireless LAN against a wired Ethernet, especially when using UDP and TCP transport protocols. In addition to learning about networks and network performance, you will learn how to setup and report on network experiments.
The assignment will be run across several phases. You will be required to complete each phase by a deadline. You will also receive feedback after each phase.
Your group will be supplied with a wireless LAN access point. You are required to use your own laptop computers for wireless LAN clients. Two laptops per group should be sufficient. If you don't have access to two laptops then you can use lab computers at SIIT. Let me know if you have problems getting regular access to a computer.
Due Date: 13:30 Wednesday 1 Feb 2012
Your aim is to setup a small wireless LAN of a single AP (supplied) and two clients (your laptops). This will give you the opportunity to learn about the different wireless LAN parameters available to the end-user. To allow for experiments in subsequent phases you will used OpenWRT on the AP.
Your tasks are:
Deliverables: You need to demonstrate your wireless LAN in class (e.g. I should be able to associate and transfer data via the wireless LAN, as well as login to the AP). There is no written deliverable (this phase is primarily for you to setup the AP and learn the OpenWRT interfaces).
Due Date: 17:00 Thursday 15 Feb 2012
Phase 2 reports, with comments, are available for download, as are the marks for phase 2.
Your aim is to measure the maximum throughput that can be achieved over a wireless LAN and Ethernet link.
Your tasks are:
Deliverables: You need to submit the draft report for evaluation (template in DOCX or PDF. You will receive a score (worth 5%) and feedback on the draft. Your draft will also be made available to the other groups, so they can see different examples and feedback.
Some further information on the tools and measurements include (note some of the hints below are not relevant for this phase, but may be for phase 3, i.e. you don't need tc in phase 2):
Due Date: 23:59 Wednesday 28 Mar 2012
Your aim is to determine how different parameters and scenarios impact on the performance of transport protocols (TCP and UDP) in a wireless LAN and Ethernet link.
Your tasks are:
Deliverables: You need to submit the final report for evaluation. You will receive a score (worth 20%) and feedback. This is the final report and there is no opportunity for re-submission.
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